Employees' mental health: 5 solutions to preserve it

Confinement, inflation, climate change: the mental health of the French has been particularly hard hit in recent years. Mental health is defined as "a state of well-being that enables everyone to achieve their full potential". Companies are obviously concerned by this issue. Keeping employees at full capacity means maintaining productivity and reducing absenteeism in the office. And that's good news! Employees want their employer to support them in these matters. In this article, we present five concrete solutions for promoting good mental health among employees.

Employees' mental health: 5 solutions to preserve it

Confinements, inflation, climate change - the mental health of the French has been particularly hard hit in recent years. According to the World Health Organization, mental health is defined as "a state of well-being that enables people to achieve their full potential " (1). Companies are obviously concerned by this issue. Having employees at full capacity means maintaining productivity and reducing absenteeism in the office. And that's good news! Employees want their employers to support them in these matters (2). In this article, we present five concrete solutions for promoting good mental health among employees.

Solution 1: Offer flexible working hours to improve the mental health of

Do you need to book a medical appointment with a specialist who only sees patients on Tuesdays? Identity papers to renew at the town hall? Combining personal imperatives with professional obligations is not always easy for working people, and can generate anxiety.
In fact, 47% of employees claim that more flexible working hours would enhance their well-being, and thus their productivity (3).

When a company implements telecommuting on a regular basis, it allows workers to organize their time as they see fit. They can use their lunch break to deal with a private problem. This is why adopting one or two home office days within the organization reduces the
mental load on employees. What's more, the employee can plan a relaxing activity thanks to the time saved by not having to commute.

Solution #2: Facilitate cooperation between colleagues to reduce stress

One of the primary causes of stress in the professional sphere is a workload that's too heavy to absorb. Establishing close communication appears to be one of the best remedies for this problem. In fact, it's important to know whether employees have the right conditions (budget, resources, etc.) to succeed in their missions. Numerous online tools can be deployed to encourage dialogue around a project, or to ensure a good employee experience through automated surveys.

Solution 3: Create a work environment conducive to restorative breaks

Out of the office: coworking in the green

What if happiness at work was in the meadow? Researchers at the University of Tsukuba in Japan (4) have discovered that strolling through green spaces or walking in the forest reduces work-related anxiety. Some companies are now offering their teams the chance to take their suitcases and
computers and work together in a green, relaxing setting. Collaborate around a big table with your feet up in the grass. Get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. In response to the new challenges facing the world of work, The Oasis House offers teams the chance to get together in large country houses lulled by birdsong for team building or a turnkey coworking stay.
=> Contact our teams to find out more!

In the office: give yourself a break

The body has been screwed into the armchair for several hours. Eyes struggling to focus on the screen. You may be typing faster and faster on your keyboard, but your body seems as ankylosed as your thoughts. Even though we all know the positive effects of taking a break during an intense work session, we often feel guilty when we step away from our task for a few minutes. And yet, taking microbreaks helps us to remain efficient and creative. These moments help us to take a fresh look at what we've produced, and to step back so that we can move forward more effectively. Managers can set a good example by inviting their staff to join them for a coffee after a meeting that has put the collective intelligence to the test. Also, don't neglect a comfortable and attractively decorated break room. A warm and inviting setting will encourage teams to get together. Company anniversaries, the return to the office of an employee after maternity leave,
the departure of an intern... Small or big occasions, make room for convivial moments to strengthen ties.

Solution No. 4: Make teams aware of the benefits for the body of disconnecting.

Teleworking has accentuated the hyperconnection of working people. This can lead to sleep disorders and increased stress. Sometimes, the fear of missing a piece of information pushes us to update our mailbox more than necessary to demonstrate our involvement and responsiveness. As a manager, you can encourage your team members to switch their work phone to airplane mode at the end of the day, or to divide up their time more effectively by setting aside time slots dedicated to brainstorming: time slots where you can be reached while deactivating notifications for better concentration.

Solution n°5: Organize moments dedicated to well-being within the company.

Regular sporting activity brings many benefits: better emotional management, increased self-confidence, reduced stress, fights depression, etc. 80% of employees are enthusiastic about the idea of playing sport with their colleagues (5). Proposing a sports event to employees can strengthen team cohesion and enable them to bond in a different way. Running, yoga, calisthenics? Conduct a large internal survey to ask employees their preferences. Learn simple breathing exercises adapted to the working day. Memorize gentle body movements to release accumulated tension. Why not call on
, a sophrologist specializing in employee complaints? During a workshop, this expert can teach you relaxation techniques.

If these actions create support, you can also program a wellness seminar for all employees. Whether you opt to organize a team buidling or a green coworking holiday, you'll be sending out a strong message: that you care about employees' mental health. What's more, these initiatives will enhance your employer brand.


(1) World Health Organization:
(2) https://www.parlonsrh.com/media/sante-mentale-au-travail-letat-psychologique-des-salarie

(3) https://newsroom.malakoffhumanis.com/actualites/malakoff-mederic-humanis-presente-les-

(4) https://www.ladepeche.fr/2021/01/13/profiter-regulierement-de-la-nature-pour-combattre-le-

(5) https://solutions.lesechos.fr/equipe-management/c/le-sport-nouvel-allie-de-la-sante-mental