Holistic corporate seminar: objectives and benefits
Over the past few years, holistic thinking has found its way into many areas of our lives, but do you know what's behind the term " holistic" ? This trend refers to taking into account a system rather than a single element. In medicine, for example, the focus is not just on understanding the part of the body that is suffering, but also on the environmental, social, psychological and economic factors that may have had an impact on the patient's health.
How can you bring it to life in your in-house events? When we talk about a holistic corporate retreat or a seminar near Paris, we mean more than just booking a house or organizing activities. We take into account all the components of the stay and their impact on the participant's well-being.
Why organize a holistic team stay?
We've already explored the good reasons for organizing a team break here and here. But a holistic seminar can add a special dimension to your in-house events. For example:
- increase your employees' well-being;
- a better understanding of their individual needs, which improves their self-confidence;
- a better understanding of others, which creates a pleasant working environment;
- gain perspective on how to manage daily tasks.
Whatever type of seminar you're organizing - training, integration, sales - you can give it that feel-good tone.
--> Find out all our tips for preparing your team trip
What are the benefits of a holistic corporate seminar for your employees?
An interlude for the employee: reconnecting body and mind How to propose a holistic approach?
All the elements that make up your trip must contribute to your colleagues' immersion in a bubble of balance and serenity.
1 - The environment :
Going to the heart of a natural area is already a cure. The tranquility of a lake, the soothing view of a verdant landscape, the peace offered by the immensity of the sky. All these elements instantly enhance relaxation. Choose an atypical seminar venue that's conducive to calm, unencumbered by distracting noises such as engines or car horns. Our brains need silence to renew themselves, and noise pollution has an impact on our health (sleep quality, cardiovascular system and blood pressure). In an article in Le Monde, philosopher Cynthia Fleury writes of "the lack of silence that prevents us from thinking, of silence as a factor of well-being. Natural sounds, such as a cascading waterfall or birdsong, are also known to reduce stress.
2 - Place of residence :
Good vibes only! Choose country homes close to Paris, eco-designed and furnished with natural materials. This may seem like a detail, but it will have a considerable impact on the energies circulating in the house. From the choice of bedding to the lighting, everything must be designed to promote rest.
3 - Food :
To provide healthy nourishment for body and mind during the event, we're turning away from industrial and processed products. In addition to nutritional value, we're going to pay attention to the origin and quality of our food. We prefer seasonal fruits and vegetables. Yes, when we tend to respect the cycle of the seasons as much as possible, our dishes are tastier. The focus is on the plate. We eat with a clear conscience, forgetting the continuous scrolling on our phone or computer during meal breaks to enjoy all the flavours on offer to our palate. Learning to compose menus that are compatible with work sessions also helps to avoid feeling flat during digestion.
4 - Movement and physical activity :
Gentle physical activities such as walking, yoga and swimming, or more intense physical activities such as boxing, tennis and soccer, get your body moving, oxygenate all your cells and rapidly restore your energy levels. The positive effects of sport on anxiety have been widely demonstrated. As we become increasingly sedentary, regular physical activity can reduce absenteeism at work and boost productivity.
Don't know where to start when it comes to creating the perfect program for your seminar? Find all our our tips here.
Discover new tools to enhance your daily professional life
What if, during this break from the office, you offered your employees new stress-relieving habits to take back home with them? During our green team building events, we work with experienced and passionate partners. Coaches, teachers or trainers, they distill best practices and knowledge to create moments that combine physical and psychological well-being. All you have to do is plan activities that give pride of place to the feelings that are all too often relegated to the background of our imperatives:
- Yoga to relieve tension or improve concentration: stretching sessions to be repeated during a break between two meetings or after lunch. And why not try it out with your colleagues?
- Meditation or breathing exercises: practices that are sometimes difficult to start alone. Their (slightly) magical power: to bring down the level of cortisol in our bodies, the stress hormone that weakens our immune defenses. This zen toolbox is designed to help employees cope better with busy to-do lists and ambitious challenges, such as public speaking, delivering a thick client project or chairing a large-scale meeting. So, are you ready to book your next holistic corporate seminar?
Sources :
https://www.lemonde.fr/sciences/article/2023/04/24/alerte-sur-les-effets-du-bruit-sur-la-sante_617083 2_1650684.html https://www.lepoint.fr/societe/l-activite-physique-au-travail-un-bienfait-encore-trop-peu-pratique-27-05- 2022-2477355_23.php#11 https://www.neonmag.fr/sante-psycho/les-effets-incroyables-des-sons-de-la-nature-sur-la-sante-5742 21