Workplace well-being trends in 2024

4-day week, hybrid working, offices going green... What will well-being at work look like in 2024? Here's a look at the latest trends.

4-day week, hybrid working, offices going green... What will well-being at work look like in 2024? Here's a look at the latest trends.

1- Exercise to feel better in body and mind

You've probably heard it 100 times from your parents, teachers or doctor: sport is good for you. And now, companies are getting in on the act too! Aware of their role in the health (both physical and mental) of their employees, more and more companies are encouraging their employees to take part in sporting activities.

According to a study byOpinionWay for the Think and Do Tank Vitalité, Sport & Entrepriseoffering sports activities to employees kills three birds with one stone: 

  • employees have better control over their stress and a higher level of well-being
  • team spirit is boosted and new arrivals are better integrated
  • employee productivity is on the rise

How do companies encourage their staff to stretch their legs? For example, they set up sports sessions in their offices. Some enter into partnerships with gyms. Still others offer to pay part of the cost of classes or subscriptions. In short, by 2024, there'll be no excuse not to get moving!

2- Anticipating psychosocial risks: prevention is better than cure

Encouraging sport is part of a more general trend towards anticipating psycho-social risks (PSR). Psycho-what risks? RPS refers to work situations that entail health risks, such as burnout or stress. What exactly does it mean to anticipate RPS?

To put it simply, until now employees' mental health was mainly taken into account when problems arose. Now, companies are looking to anticipate concerns related to the work environment. In other words, in 2024, prevention is better than cure. It's time to adopt healthy practices, to create a positive and stimulating working environment. In addition to encouraging their employees to take part in sport, organizations are adopting clear policies against harassment, discrimination and attacks on personal integrity. Managers are also being trained to be more sensitive to the risks of ill-being within their teams. This brings us to the third point...

3- In 2024, benevolence at the heart of management

In 2024, well-being is no longer a detail, but a key element of an organization's strategy. Employees who feel good are more productive, more creative and less absent.

This is where management comes in. Acting as bulwarks against malaise, today's managers need to demonstrate human qualities. They are expected to encourage, actively listen and be present.

Another consequence of this change is a hierarchy that becomes more horizontal and less rigid. This type of operation gives everyone more room to express themselves, stimulating team creativity. However, these changes also require companies to support their managers as they evolve. In 2023, according to a report by Alan x Harris Interactivea report by Alan x Harris Interactive, 30% of managers would like to be better trained in RPS.

4- Corporate values aligned with employee values

According to a study on well-being by Alan x Harris Interactive, 2 out of 3 employees would be willing to earn less money for a more meaningful job. In addition, a survey conducted by Great Place To Work in 2020 shows that 86% of French people believe that "organizations have a role to play in making society a better place".

As a result, more and more employees are seeking to be in harmony with their company's values. Through their work, they want to feel useful, and contribute to the world in a positive way. 

Among the values favored by employees, those linked to sustainable development are becoming increasingly important. This is especially true of the younger generations, notably generation Zgeneration, who are more aware of climate change. According to an CESE report of October 20238 out of 10 French people feel a strong sense of anxiety about climate change. Companies will have to adapt to today's ecological challenges, in order to respond to the new concerns of their employees.

5- A hybrid working model that will continue to evolve in 2024

The health crisis having passed, the "covid" years accelerated the introduction of telecommuting. What's the situation today? It seems that organizations are now looking for a happy medium. On the one hand, the flexibility of remote working, and on the other, the advantages of face-to-face work. As a result, many companies are turning to a hybrid model, mixing face-to-face and remote working. While employees appreciate this flexibility, it also poses a new challenge: measuring working time. Not so easy, given that work can be carried out from the comfort of one's own sofa.

Moreover, the 4-day week is gaining ground. Having an extra day off would enable employees to better manage the balance between work and personal life. In France, the idea is still being tested. Companies such as Lidl, Accenture and URSSAF Picardie are testing the concept. Watch this space!

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